How to Prevent Frozen or Burst Pipes This Winter

With winter on the way, it’s vital for Jersey City residents to recognize the hazards and consequences of frozen or broken water pipes. According to the website CostHelper, the average cost to fix a broken water pipe is $900, with further water damage repairs added.

Our BJC Plumbers Jersey City Services team would want to provide you with all the knowledge you need to understand this frequent problem, take the essential measures against frozen pipes, and comprehend what to do in the event of burst pipes.

How Do Pipes Freeze and What Happens?

Because frozen water expands when it freezes, pipes might break due to the extra pressure. The most vulnerable are water pipes in your New Jersey house that are uninsulated and positioned along exterior walls, attics, basements, crawl spaces, and kitchen cabinets.

Outside water lines, such as those linking outdoor hoses, sprinkler systems, irrigation systems, or swimming pools, are also in danger if they are not emptied before winter arrives.

The older your water pipes, the more probable it is that frozen water may create severe difficulties and damage. Furthermore, many contemporary houses have complex plumbing systems, which means a broken pipe may cause catastrophic damage.

A single burst pipe may leak four to eight gallons of water every minute, generating thousands of dollars in damage in less than an hour. This might leave your house or workplace unusable for many weeks.

Prevention Tips

You may dramatically minimize the probability of frozen or broken water pipes by taking a few basic precautions before winter. Take the following measures seriously:

Drain the water from your pool and sprinkler lines according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

• Disconnect and drain any outside hoses. Turn off the water supply to these hoses and leave the valve open to drain any residual water. Consider putting an insulator on spigots.

• Insulate any exposed water lines that might freeze.

• Insulate your hot water tank.

• Locate and operate your home’s main cutoff.

• Keep your garage door closed if water lines are placed there.

On exceptionally chilly days, open your kitchen and bathroom cabinets to enable warm air to travel around the pipes.

• Allow a modest trickle of room-temperature water to stream from the taps, particularly at night when it’s cooler.

• Set your home’s thermostat to no lower than 55 degrees.

• If you will be out of town for a lengthy period, empty the water system by cutting off the water supply and running all fixtures until no more water flows.

Warnings Signs

Even after taking measures, frozen pipes might occur. As a homeowner, be aware of these simple warning signals that indicate a frozen water pipe.

For example, if your water flow is significantly reduced or halted at a certain fixture, you may have frozen water elsewhere in your system. A frozen pipe may generate a leak before bursting in rare instances. Keep an eye out for moist spots on your walls or ceilings.

Keep the faucet open if you fear a pipe has frozen. As the frozen section melts, water will flow again, assisting in the melting of the ice in the pipe. To help thaw the pipes, wrap them in hot water-soaked cloths.

A heating pad, hair dryer, or space heater may be used to warm an area with a possibly frozen pipe. However, you must exercise extreme caution while using electrical equipment near water sources and take fire precautions. A skilled plumber should handle frozen pipes near electrical outlets.

After a Pipe Bursts

You should act fast to limit the damage if you have a burst water pipe. First, turn off the water supply to your home. You’ll want to know where this valve is before an emergency strikes.

Turn off any electric appliances near the water flow and relocate your belongings out of harm’s path. If feasible, use buckets to catch and gather as much water as possible. Meanwhile, utilize your kitchen and bathroom faucets to drain other water in your plumbing system via functional drains.

Once the immediate crisis is under control, contact a professional to fix your pipes. Before contacting your insurance carrier, take photographs and list your damages.

Call Us for All Your Plumbing Needs

If you have frozen pipes or other plumbing concerns, contact BJC Plumbers Jersey City Services in Jersey City, NJ. Call (201) 885-7265 or request service online now.